The presence of mold in an HVAC system is a common complaint. Mold can grow…
My air conditioner is leaking water. Why?
There are four main reasons why your air conditioner is leaking water:
- You’ve got a clogged air filter
- You’ve got a problem with the drain pan
- You’ve got a clogged up condensation drain line
- It’s not water that’s leaking, it’s refrigerant
However, knowing what may be wrong doesn’t automatically make the problem disappear, so if something’s not right, you’d be best to give us a call here at Petrocelli Services and we’ll come out and fix it in no time at all. Remember, if you’ve got a small problem with your A/C unit and you leave it unattended, there’s every possibility it will turn into a big (and more expensive) problem.
Now, if you’re wondering why there is any water in your air conditioning unit, the answer is simple. Not only does your unit cool your property, but it also removes humidity from inside. Not surprisingly, it’s at times when the air is most humid that your air conditioner starts leaking. The humid air is ‘trapped’ within the refrigerated coils in your unit and as it forms water, it is collected in a drain pan and then makes its way outside via the drain line.
To spot the signs before too much water damage is caused, keep an eye on the floor under the indoor air conditioning unit, and check the ceiling around it for any signs of water staining.
To avoid unnecessary water leaks, the best thing you could do is to give us a call and well not only give your unit a thorough check over, but we’ll run you through how to keep on top of simple maintenance to minimize any clogging up of your air conditioning unit.